Technology transfer refers to the process of conveying results stemming from scientific and technological research to the market place and to wider society, along with associated skills and procedures, and is as such an intrinsic part of the technological innovation process. Technology transfer is a complex process that involves many non-scientific and non-technological factors, and many different stakeholders. Good or high quality research results are not enough for successful technology transfer; general awareness and willingness both at the level of organizations and individuals. based on this Hawassa Polytechnic College Working Designing and Transferring different Technologies to Enterprises and societies of Hawassa city as well as Sidam Region. the college follows the following important points for technology designing process.
- Based on prepared value chain identify the gap
- Prioritize best technology that are important and solve enterprise problem
- conduct cost benefit analysis for selected technology (feasibility study)
- Prepare full technology document
- Prepare design for each technology parts
- Prepare prototype for selected technology
- Make test on prepared prototype for its functionality
- Maintain identified gap during functionality test
- Produce real technology
- Select an enterprise and provide training how to copy and use technology
- Transfer technology to SME
- Assess the impact of technology
- Respect quality and relevance